At present, we are sumptuous with oodles of interesting academic programs that support the space enthusiasts to achieve their dream career in the space industry with ease. We firmly believe that these programs can endow them with significant exposure and exceptional knowledge in the area of Space Science and Technology.
Space Camps
ULSpace Club organises space camps frequently. The events are organised at different locations such as UL Cyber Park, Sargaalaya Craft Village, University of Calicut and NIT Kozhikode. The events were attended by eminent scientists from ISRO and other reputed organizations. The participation to the event is restricted to space club members

Sky Safari
In UL Space Club, special interventions are made to develop sky watch as a culture among all our student members. As the name suggests, it is all about analyzing the changes that happen in the sky at different time intervals. Training will be provided in this regard by providing the students with appropriate materials needed for the same. Sky Safari is organized every time as part of our Space Camps wherein experts from within and outside Kerala will guide our students in that area. This amateur astronomy community is guided by Shri Surendran Punnasseri, a famous amateur astronomer from Kerala.
Project Work
UL Space Club executes project works by collaborating with the projects under UL Education. Those with a keen interest in scientific learning will be provided with the opportunity to perform investigative projects by associating with the Chemistry Department in NIT, Physics Department in Calicut University, Botanical Garden, Zoological Survey of India and the IT companies in UL Cyber Park. The students complete their projects by working with the scientists who are educators in these institutions. The support of research students are also availed in this regard.

Visit to ISRO facilities
UL Space Club in collaboration with Vagbhatananda Edu Project (VEP), the educational initiative of ULCCS, organizes an ISRO visit every year with their consent. The selected students will be taken to the ISRO Space Research Centre, where they can explore each department and have direct interactions with the scientists. The main aim of this program is to provide an exposure to students about the practical working environment and to help them gain full awareness about the practices in the space industry.
On-line Webinar
UL Space Club Webinar is conducted with an objective of imparting explicit knowledge and introducing some novel areas related to their education and career. The restrictions of Covid-19 Pandemic have not limited the productivity of UL Space Club. Webinars on space related topics are being actively conducted these days by eminent personalities in this area. These Webinars are dignified with the gracious presence of renowned professionals across the country who have marked remarkable achievements in the topics that’s been discussed.

Class Room Learning
In classroom learning, we organise specially-focused programmes by associating with other educational initiatives of ULCCS such as VEP, MAPLE and the like. In this programme, mathematical olympiad training, training for school-level competitive exams, etc are conducted on a regular basis. Besides that, a special session by an expert faculty panel on solving problems in subjects like Physics, Maths, and Chemistry is conducted exclusively for our talented and deserving students.
Space Quiz
In order to make space learning more interesting we have included Space Quiz to our programmes that helps to maintain patience and concentration among the students. The idea is to combine learning with fun. Since it is carried out as a game, students will learn something so as to win. The questions are presented in Google forms. The fastest one to answer all the questions will be chosen as the winner.

Paper Presentations
UL Space Club views paper presentations mainly in 2 angles.
Paper presentations on relevant and important contemporary-scientific space topics done by
the members of different layers in UL Space Club for their junior members.
Paper presentations as a criteria for qualifying to the senior membership position
like the Student Fellow. To be precise, a student will be selected to the senior membership
position only after analyzing their performance in the paper presentation.